It's Halloween week! YAY! We've had our decorations up since October 1st but we have a plan to move everything towards the end of the driveway so we can sit out there and hand out candy since our 10 year old has decided he no longer feels the need to "Trick or Treat" which is beyond me because I would 100% still go out if it was socially acceptable. We didn't participate in any Halloween activities this year... I didn't even force my friends into a group costume for work! I guess I've finally hit the stage where there is literally too much going on to make time for the things that aren't absolutely necessary. The kid had a teacher conference this week (went very well, highest reading grade in his class!) and then an awards ceremony, we had a mile long list to accomplish on Saturday but only completed about half (my bestie said Yes to the dress though!) and now it's Sunday, our usual "chill out" day but there will be no "chilling" today. The garage still has to be cleaned out, the lawn mowed, we have an exciting meeting about Space Coast Book Lovers this evening (I have secrets) We're also planning a bridal shower, and keeping our fingers crossed that we'll be planning a baby shower (other bestie, we'll find out Thursday, keep your fingers crossed!) & with all this nonsense going on I decided to participate in NaNoWriMo this year (because I am a glutton for punishment?) If you aren't sure what this is, check it out here: https://nanowrimo.org/what-is-nanowrimo
This isn't a complaint. I love being busy & having things to look forward to. I do wish time would slow down, just a tiny bit. I gave myself some pretty lofty goals for the next six months...I failed to remember that the world actually doesn't revolve around me and everyday life will continue. Is it rude to ask my friend to move her wedding date to later in the year? I'm KIDDING! Who needs to sleep anyway?
Great post! Love the part that you will play in making #SCBL2020 an amazing event <3 Stay focused and don't forget to schedule in some fun into that busy agenda! <3