2020...what a waste of a year
Hi! I've missed you. I hope everything is going swimmingly for you. Me? I've been in a slump. A reading slump, a writing slump, a house project slump, a beach day slump. You name it & I've had a slump for it. (Slump started to look weird so I had to stop & Google it: undergo a sudden severe or prolonged fall in price, value, or amount. Okay, I'm good) Things are starting to creep closer to the way things used to be before Covid-19 happened.Slowly, very, very slowly I can start to see an uptick in things. My favorite part of the year is coming up & while I don't think we'll be able to celebrate Halloween the traditional way, I will be decorating & I will be buying candy to give to someone, somewhere! The first step to overcoming an issue is admitting you have an issue, right? Well, I do. It's Covid-19 but more than that it's what Covid-19 has taken away from me this year. Amy, Stephen, & I are travelers. We revel in our little family trips. Both Amy & Stephen boarded a plan for the first time two years ago and have wanted to go "somewhere we have to fly to" ever since. In this, the year of 2020 we have been on ONE trip as a family, Amy & I have been on ONE trip as a couple, & Stephen went with family to a wedding in Louisiana. This is not enough for us. We're adventurers! We love to just "get away from it all" but alas here we are sitting in our house...again. Covid-19 has taken away my best friends wedding, my other best friends baby shower, a birthday party for myself & Stephen, we didn't have a Mother's Day or Father's Day celebration, & did nothing for Memorial Day. The 4th of July did change things for us a bit. My Uncle, his wife, their 3 kids, & 5 grandchildren came down that week and stayed at the beach. We ended up having a BBQ and I was thrilled to be back in my natural persona of hosting. We did what we could to encourage social distancing, cleanliness, and overall safety for everyone.A week later my sister in law came to visit with my nieces & nephews, & a week after that one of the cousins who had visited on the 4th of July came back to stay with us while she & her husband looked for a house. If you can believe it, a week after that another one of our cousins, his wife, & two boys made the trek down to find a house & move on down. Needless to say we've been a busy bunch & I absolutely adoring having family around after living so far away from everyone for so long. The chaos has slowly pulled me from my various slumps. I've just realized that a big part of my problem was not leaving the house enough & not talking to people who don't live in my house. Oddly enough, both Amy & Stephen can function well this way but not me. I need people & social interaction, & the beach! I'm pleased to say things are changing for the better. We have a lot to look forward to. Halloween is only 67 days away, a few weeks after that we're packing it up to spend Thanksgiving in the Keys, & then it'll be Christmas. So many happy things...I can hardly contain myself!